On June 20, WattElse participated in a press conference and technical presentation organized jointly by Defense and Skeyes. This important event aimed to unveil the new roadmap adopted in May 2024, concerning the adaptation of aeronautical constraints.

This roadmap, the result of close collaboration between the various players in the sector, is a major step forward for the development of renewable energies in Wallonia. It provides for the release of new areas allowing the installation of an additional 500 to 800 MW of wind power capacity in the region.

During the conference, the importance of this initiative for the energy future of Wallonia was underlined in particular by the presence of the Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet. “The release of these areas will allow a significant increase in our wind capacity, thus contributing to our energy transition objective.”

La Défense and Skeyes also presented the technical aspects and adaptations necessary to integrate these new installations while guaranteeing the safety and efficiency of air traffic. The planned adjustments will make it possible to reconcile sustainable development objectives with aeronautical safety requirements.