In mid-2021, WattElse won the call for tenders launched by the municipality of Fléron concerning the establishment of a support platform for citizens to facilitate the energy renovation of their homes.
This aid, fully paid for by the municipality and therefore free for citizens, takes the form of several operations:
- hotlines,
- the realization of quickscans of the housing allowing to prioritize the works to be carried out (savings and necessary investments),
- support for the selection of companies and the analysis of quotes,
- advice on financing and renovation grants,
- site visits…

It should be noted that, since September, information breakfasts have also been organized every last Wednesday of the month (information and registration on www.flé
After a year of work, the project is seeing great results. In summary, we can indeed observe that:
- 31 households signed up for the program and had their homes audited;
- energy saving investments have been proposed for a total amount of €750,000;
- if all of this work were carried out, it would save approximately €20,000/year for a final energy saving of 200 MW, i.e. 56 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided;
- 12 households have expressed a desire to go further in the process and will carry out the work.

Finally, we would like to point out that registrations for the project are still open and that we will be happy to lend a hand to new renovator candidates. Registrations and requests for information can be made at