One of our vocations at WattElse is to support companies from A to Z in the analysis of their energy efficiency needs and their renewable production potential. In this context, it is interesting to note that we are one of the providers of the Chèques-Entreprises platform!
What are Chèques-Entreprises?
This is financial aid from the Walloon Region dedicated to supporting business creation, innovation, the circular economy and growth within Walloon companies.
What are the conditions to qualify?
Chèques-Entreprises are applicable to you if you are an SME or a self-employed person who:
- carries out an economic activity,
- employs less than 250 people,
- has a main place of business located in the Walloon region (i.e. the one which, within the company, employs the most workers),
- has an annual turnover of less than 50 million euros or a balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros.
What are the steps to follow to benefit from this aid?

Should I advance the money?
No, the check issuer pays the service provider directly. The company does not have to advance the money.
What energy-related services are available via Chèques-Entreprises?
You can benefit from support within the framework of a simplified or global audit, partial audits or even pre-feasibility studies (renewable energy, cogeneration, building, industrial processes and lighting).
If you are interested, you can of course consult the reference site, watch this video but also and above all contact our team of multidisciplinary experts via It is indeed with pleasure that we will take the time to analyze your situation and offer you the service that suits you best!