As part of the Exceptional Investment Plan (PIE) of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, WattElse supported Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement for more than a year (start of mission dating back to April 2023) by carrying out more than 50 audits of school buildings .

These audits, which took place in the provinces of Namur, Liège, Hainaut and Walloon Brabant, covered a total area of ​​no less than 350,000 m²!

The improvement measures recommended following these audits could lead to a reduction in overall consumption of more than 35,000 MWh per year as well as a saving of more than 9,000 tonnes of CO2.

Through this extensive support, WattElse has developed new calculation tools which offer a systematic and global approach to buildings and facilitate the analysis of the best solutions to recommend to reduce the energy consumption of each site. Based on the work provided by our team, WBE is now considering significant investments in order to implement as many of these solutions as possible through renovation or demolition and reconstruction projects.

If you are looking for competent experts to support you in carrying out your audits and in providing project management assistance for your renovation projects, do not hesitate to call on the multidisciplinary team at WattElse!

It is with conviction and passion that we will help you make the best choices and bring your projects to fruition.