This week, WattElse celebrated its 5th anniversary, a great opportunity to review some of the highlights of the company’s development.
A growing Belgian SME
In 5 years, the team has grown significantly and now has 9 employees specialized in the energy sector. WattElse also moved in April 2019 to new offices located in the Achene Business Center.
A unique corporate culture and a meaningful field of activity
Following the encouraging development of WattElse in areas useful in the fight against climate change, our nature retreat of this year made it possible to highlight important elements such as the vision, the mission and the values of the company (read more here).
Beyond that, our way of working based on mutual trust and the fact that each of us assumes his/her responsibilities has proven itself and encourages us to continue on this path.
At a time of coronavirus and following containment measures, our already well-oiled telework organization has inevitably grown in order to allow each member of the team to continue to work for the energy transition.

A varied field of activity
Over the years, our portfolio of clients has grown and enriched in the private sector through the management of wind and photovoltaic industrial projects as well as through audits (energy, carbon footprint, etc.) of companies.
In the public sector, WattElse is now working on energy analysis missions (including monitoring, land registry, etc.), energy strategy, greening of mobility and establishment of action plans to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
WattElse is also active in R&D as part of a study on wind energy storage solutions (read more here).

Despite the current context which remains uncertain for everyone, we are already pleased with the progress we have made in 5 years and we are curious or even impatient to initiate and develop new projects in the months and years to come.