This Wednesday morning, our colleague Guillaume Fery had the opportunity to participate in the weekly meeting of the BNI Namur Capitale held at the Namur Casino .
This participation was made possible thanks to the invitation of Guillaume André from Sageo, long-time partner of WattElse!

The BNI Group is recognized for its ability to create strong links between professionals from all sectors, enabling effective and fruitful networking . This meeting was no exception to the rule and was the scene of particularly stimulating discussions.

On the discussions program:

  • Energy transition: Rich dialogues on the challenges and opportunities of moving towards renewable energy sources and reducing energy consumption; 
  • Green mobility: Study of greening the vehicle fleet and installation of charging stations;
  • Renewable Energy Communities (CER): Recent but very relevant theme for better management of everyone’s production and consumption of renewable energy;

These subjects, at the heart of our activity at WattElse, have sparked many enriching discussions and allowed us to consider potential future collaborations . Guillaume was particularly impressed by the diversity of professions represented and everyone’s commitment to sustainable development.

We would like to express our gratitude to all participants for their contributions and warm welcome. The synergy created during this meeting promises great partnership opportunities to come.

A special thank you to Guillaume André for this invitation and to all the participants of the BNI Namur Capitale for these inspiring and relevant conversations!