In 2006, the Brussels Region launched the PLAGE project (Plan Local d’Action pour la Gestion Énergétique). This aimed, for voluntary participants, to rationalize the use of energy and/or reduce their energy consumption.
Following the success of this great project, the Region has decided to move on to the next phase by making the PLAGE compulsory for all owners of large building stocks. These will have to achieve certified energy savings percentages over the next 36 months. In this way, the Region hopes to achieve part of its climate objectives by 2030 and 2050.
Results of the first phase
- 15 to 20% reduction in heating consumption
- A stabilization or even a slight drop in electricity consumption
- Maintaining comfort for occupants
- A return on investment of 5 years on average

With the support of the IBGE (Institut Bruxellois pour la Gestion de l’Environnement), the Brussels Region has developed a methodology based on the IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol) to quantify and certify these savings.
With its expertise in the field, the multidisciplinary team at WattElse had the pleasure of responding positively to the invitation launched by IBGE to join the adventure as an expert.
IPMVP is not necessarily complicated, but it can be complex
In fact, between collecting consumption data, occupancy data, understanding the methodology, statistical calculations, etc … there is indeed a risk of feeling lost at first. This is why WattElse advocates a comprehensive approach determined by a strategy put in place from the preparatory phases of the project.
The aim of this strategy is to popularize, plan and make accessible the imposed savings rate while facilitating the operational part of the project. If this is duly considered, the application of the PLAGE could go beyond the framework of the mandatory operation and lead to a real global reflection on the energy practices of the participants in addition to generating substantial savings.
It is by being delighted to be able to contribute to a relevant project within the framework of the energy transition that WattElse came to meet the PLAGE coordinators during the training days of September 21 and October 5 and that he will participate to the last training day scheduled on November 27th. Do not hesitate to come so that you can discuss your project.
And again, congratulations to the Brussels Region for this great initiative!