Partners for several years, Energie Eolienne France (EEF) and WattElse are proud to contribute together to the energy transition through the promotion of local energy production and the reduction of CO2 emissions thanks to renewable energies.

On December 4, WattElse supported EEF in the organization of the first information meeting (RIP) relating to a preliminary wind project in the municipalities of Genappe and Nivelles.
The purpose of this meeting was to present to the population a project to install 6 wind turbines between the towns of Genappe, Nivelles and Houtain-le-Val, in the province of Brabant wallon. This event also marked the official launch of the permit application procedure.

EEF sas

Since its creation in 2001, EEF (Energie Eolienne France – EEF SAS) has established itself as an important player in the field of renewable energies with already 74.8 MW installed in France, making it possible to supply up to 40,000 households with electricity and preventing the emission of 75,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

As a subsidiary of the German leader Eno Energy (, EEF benefits from solid expertise and significant experience to the benefit of the energy transition. The Eno Energy Group is Europe’s manufacturer of premium wind turbines with factories in Rostock and Rerik. Eno Energy develops and produces durable and powerful onshore wind turbines in the 2.2 to 6.0 MW range.

EEF and WattElse have been partners for more than 6 years and work to ensure the optimal
development of the Belgian projects they are working on, paying particular attention to local,
technical, regulatory and financial issues.