WattElse participates in the BNI Namur

This Wednesday morning, our colleague Guillaume Fery had the opportunity to participate in the weekly meeting of the BNI Namur Capitale held at the Namur Casino . This participation was made possible thanks to the invitation of Guillaume André from Sageo, long-time...

Meeting co-organized by UWE and Fediex on April 26

This April 26, WattElse participated in a meeting co-organized by the Union Wallonne des Entreprises and Fediex (Federation of Extractive Industry). Beyond the exceptional setting of the Airbois domain perched above the Carrières d’Yvoir, this meeting was an...

A new occupant in our offices in Wierde!

For several days, Sébastien Pouppez, independent and bioengineer by training, has been the first occupant of our Energy Hub! Located on the first floor of our building, his office is part of a space dedicated to freelancers working in the renewable energy sector....