Fléron energy renovation support platform – Where are we?

In mid-2021, WattElse won the call for tenders launched by the municipality of Fléron concerning the establishment of a support platform for citizens to facilitate the energy renovation of their homes. This aid, fully paid for by the municipality and therefore free...

WattElse develops its own renewable energy production projects

Today, in addition to its activities in the field of energy strategy and project management, WattElse is launching its third energy production and storage project. This is located on the territory of the City of Beauraing and currently has 6 wind turbines. The...

WattElse also supports you with your photovoltaic installation !

Every year, the WattElse multidisciplinary team carries out numerous studies of photovoltaic installations for medium and large-scale projects for the public and private sectors. These requests generally follow the rise in energy prices but are also often accompanied...