As part of the support to the municipality of Gembloux in the development of its Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate (PAEDC), WattElse presented the results of the energy diagnosis and the analysis of vulnerability of the territory to climate change during a citizens’ meeting on Thursday, November 18th.

The Gembloux PAEDC aims to define a path to achieve an objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% per inhabitant by 2030 within the municipal territory. Along with defining an ambitious action program, the plan also pursues an objective of raising awareness among the various players in the territory with a view to mobilizing them to participate in this effort.

The objective of this citizens’ meeting was to raise awareness among citizens of Gembloux about the climate action initiated by the municipality and to identify actions that could be integrated into the action plan.

The discussions were constructive and enabled the citizens present to understand the challenges of the territory, namely:

  • dilapidated housing with significant energy saving potential,
  • a transport sector impacted by the use of private cars with thermal propulsion,
  • a local renewable production potential allowing to consider 100% coverage of local electricity needs as well as a surplus that can be allocated to a fleet of electrified vehicles.

Among the actions suggested, it is also a question of raising awareness among students, improving communication on soft mobility infrastructures, continuing to set up bonuses for the financing of energy audits, etc.

During this information evening, the Nosse Moulin cooperative also came to present its cooperative model of citizen participation in the financing of renewable production projects.

The next step in WattElse’s intervention will focus on defining an action program targeting the different actors in the territory. Two next working groups are planned with representatives of the agricultural sector and companies from Gembloux.